Once you pass puberty, you will start having various skin related problems. You will have various types of skin disorders especially acne. After this, you will start to search “How to cure acne overnight” on the internet. Well if you want to prevent acne from coming back, why not you do it from the beginning; you could simply use natural ways to get rid of acne.
Here are a few natural ways to get rid of acne
1. Papaya
Papaya could be a very common ingredient in skin disorder treatments. Smash the papaya flesh to create a paste and apply on to the skin. Leave it on for up to a half-hour, and then rinse it.
2. Lemon juice
Lemon juice has natural antibacterial properties that are good for clearing up the skin. To induce the most effective results, simply apply the juice on to the skin and leave it for an hour.

3. Manuka Honey (Prune honey)
It’s quite famed on the web due to its wound healing and soothing properties. For the skin, simply apply the manuka honey and then rinse it after some time.
4. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has a similar antifungal and antibacterial drug property such as lemon, as well as in removing pimples, fighting wrinkles, and age spots. Apple cider vinegar is incredibly powerful; therefore you would possibly need to dilute it before using it. Simply apply a tiny low amount on your skin.
5. Garlic
Cut a clove of garlic. Rub it on the affected area and also the juice of the garlic over your skin, and leave it for up to a half-hour. You can cure acne overnight by using this procedure.
6. Baking soda
Baking soda could be a nice possibility for clearing up blemishes and doesn’t consist of any harmful chemicals for the skin. Baking soda lowers inflammation, and it clears skin. Use warm water and mix baking soda to form a paste. Then, apply it leave it on for up to an hour, and then rinse. You may be astonished by the results.
7. Cornstarch
Cornstarch is a good choice for those who suffer from blemishes. Cornstarch is incredibly mild on the skin; therefore it’s good for those who have very sensitive skin. Mix cornstarch with water to form a paste, apply it all over the face and you can leave it on as long as you wish.
8. Egg Whites
Egg whites are also a good home remedy for getting rid of pimples. Your skin will glow and start to tighten. Simply separate the egg white from the yolk. Then, apply the egg white to your skin. For best results, leave the mixture on your skin for up to an hour.

9. Ice Cubes
If your face seems swollen and red, ice is an excellent way to scale back inflammation and reduce the appearance of blemishes. Just rub an ice cube on the face. By doing this you can close the pores, and removes bacteria.
10. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has a lot of benefits particularly for a skin disorder and acne skin conditions. Tea tree oil has properties that are able to interrupt clogged pores, filter out dead skin cells, and keep away acne from coming back. Take a few drops of tea tree oil combined with few drops of water. Apply on to the skin. Leave it on for a half-hour. Also, make sure that you never use tea tree oil undiluted.
11. Water
You’ll be able to filter out most of the impurities from your body, just by drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day. You can also boil water in a pan, and place your head on it covered with a towel. Steam will open-up the pores and clear out the impurities.