Benefits of Dental Implants


Dental implants are surgically placing a metal root also known as artificial teeth root into the jawbone beneath your gums which is done to provide stable support for an artificial tooth. It is done to help treat a damaged tooth so that the one can eat and speak properly and it absolutely feels like natural teeth.

For doing implants, you need to have healthy gums and strong bone to support it. You must also keep your teeth healthy. You need to have frequent visits to your dentist for a routine checkup.

Implants are more expensive than any other methods of tooth replacement.

Click to know – Teeth Care Tips for 3-8 yr old Baby’s

The Top 10 Benefits of Dental Implants

When you need to replace your teeth which are missing or damaged, you might have several options. But, doing dental implants is one option of the best of all options. Dental implants can offer you such benefits which other tooth replacement options, such as dentures or bridges, cannot offer you. Here are the top benefits of Dental Implants –

       Prevents Bone Loss

When you lose teeth, soon you are more inclined to lose bone mass in your jaw. The reason behind this is that your jawbone needs the support which it gets from your teeth to maintain its mass. Since dental implants are the only tooth replacement choice which will also restore the jaw bone stimulation; therefore it helps in preventing bone loss.

•       Matches Your Natural Teeth

Due to an accident if you lose your teeth, well you do not need to feel bad about it as you have Dental implants option. These teeth do come in a various range of shapes and sizes. Your dentist will try to figure out the best match for your teeth color and fit perfectly in the gap.

•       Restores Bite Force

As dental implants are tightly anchored into your jaw which replaces the tooth root, they allow you to bite with almost same bite force in which you normally eat. Other tooth replacement options will not provide you with this benefit.

•       You will not Get Cavities


The material used for dental implants are made of such composition that it can’t decay. However, it doesn’t mean that you won’t have to take care of it.

•       No Embarrassing Slippage

People who had done dentures often experience visibly shift or slip inside your mouth while speaking, laughing, or eating.  Dental implants do not have such slips.

•       Avoids structural change of your face

When you lose your teeth, you lose the support which can lead to change shape of your face and you might appear older. Dental implants avoid this change.

•       Allows you to speak Natural

As dental implants replace your natural teeth you will not feel any speaking problem as you will feel when you do dentures which are also a tooth replacement option. Dental implants will not alter your speech.

•       A Permanent Solution to Tooth Loss

Other tooth replacement options might need to get repaired or replaced after a few years, whereas these dental implants are can last for the rest of your life.

•       Easy to Care For

When you do dental implant you don’t require you to buy any special products to clean or care for them. You can brush and floss them like normally you do with your natural teeth.

•       Avoids misalignments

Misalignment usually occurs due to a gap in your mouth caused by a missing tooth which can make your side teeth to shift positions, which is known as misalignment. Dental implants will fill the gap and avoids misalignments.

•       You can have your normal life back like smiling, eating, or speaking; nothing will appear different and embarrassing.