Is Granola Good for Your Overall Health?


Many people and many articles might be advising you to eat Granola as it might be having some health benefits due to the presence of nuts and dry fruit in it. Well, it does have some benefits but it also comes with a few negative benefits.

Nowadays Granola’s oats are available which contains a high amount of fiber and iron; plus it also contains nuts and seeds which has unsaturated fats and little amount of protein, it will help in keeping the heart healthy. Even though granola contains some of the health benefits and it doesn’t need oil to cook, but still it is very high in calories, and sugar which can lead to many negative effects on health.

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There is a lot of granola found in the market which is good for health, you just need to read the label and check which one you actually need to buy from the store. Therefore, granola can be a part of a healthy diet, if you know which one you have to choose.

Here are six things which you need to know before buying granola

1. Check the Sugar – Since we know that every Granola has a lot of sugar in it but now you can choose the type of sugar you need for being health-friendly. You can have a granola bar made with brown rice syrup, cane juice, molasses, oat syrup solids, and do not chose high-fructose corn syrup containing granola bar. You should also have 8 grams per serving or less but not more than that.

2. Trim the Fat – A lot of granolas contain heart-healthy unsaturated fats due to the presence of nuts and omega-3s from different seeds but some are not healthy. Therefore, look for granolas that have 2 – 3 grams of fat per quarter of a cup serving.


3. Scan for Fillers – Do not buy granola containing inulin, soy protein, and some unknown ingredients. Inulin is a soluble fiber which can cause digestive problems.

4. Keep the Portion Size Small – Fill a quarter or a third of a cup with granola and remaining bowl with milk. You can also add a few tablespoons to your Greek yogurt or oatmeal. Keep in mind to not eat excess.

5. Watch the Calories – Even the healthiest granola bar contains nearly about 200 calories per one-fourth of cup serving, 270 calories per one-third of cup serving, or 400 calories per half a cup of serving.

6. Source the Oils – Some granola varieties contain palm oil and hydrogenated oils and it is printed on their ingredient list. Such oils are not heart-friendly, therefore, it is recommended not to use it. You can buy coconut oil and extra-virgin olive oil granola.