The most important step to maintain hair is to take care of your diet. Also, the two most significant things in your food are iron and protein. In our body, the hairs are the quickest growing cells. However, they’re also the first ones to be affected by your body if you do not consume healthy nutrients necessary for growing and maintaining it.
Always try to include foods that are rich in iron in your diets such as leafy vegetables, cereals, fish, beans, soybeans, and pumpkin seeds. Also, food containing proteins such as milk, soy, peas, cheese, and yogurt.
To maintain healthy hair here are some basic health care tips-
1. Comb gently- Use a spread toothed comb and first start combing gently on the ends of your hair. Comb wet hair with very care; the reason behind this is that they are brittle and liable to break quickly.
2. Take a little quantity of shampoo- Use a small amount of shampoo, as a large number of chemicals harms your hair
3. Trim your hair within every 8-12 weeks. As you continuously cut them after a couple of months, you will surely see the improvement in growth.
4. Do not panic if you lose a hundred strands of hair daily, do not panic, it is completely normal.
Note down the following points which will protect hair and prevent breaking of hair. To safeguard your hair, take care of your surrounding daily activities, these could be-
• Avoid burning your hair-
Now a day’s almost every girl has a hairdryer, straighter and a curling iron, this might give you a lovely look, but ironing your hair daily will make your hair thin and may also lead to less growth and easily breakable hair. It might also change the color of your natural hair.

• Avoid getting into the sun-
Sun provides a lot of Vitamin D which is good for our body. But you should avoid going out between 10 am- 5 pm. That is why you must wear a hat once you go outside.
• Do not wash your hair daily-
Especially for girls to avoid washing your hair every day. This will not allow the oil material to get into the roots of your hair and stops the growth. Plus always apply some conditioner on the end tips of the hair. Remember to rinse the conditioner off with cold water because hot water will take away the shine and reduce the strength of the hair. Also, the hot water shows a bad impact on your scalp on your head.
• Wash your hair after your swim-
Chemicals such as chlorine are present in pools that harm your hair. Therefore, you must wash your hair after swimming in a pool.
• Avoid coloring-
While coloring your hair, the specialist applies a huge amount of color chemicals which has a long-lasting effect. Your hair starts to break up and becomes thin.
All of these points will help you maintain a long and healthy hair. And remember the key point for your hair growth is your diet.