The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Health Effects of Doughnuts


It shouldn’t be a surprise for you by knowing the fact that doughnuts are not good for you. If you are looking for a snack, then doughnuts are worse than many other snacks. Even a small bag of cookies can have 50 to 200 calories each whereas a doughnut contains more than 300 calories. It comes along with lots of sugar, fats and other unhealthy compounds and doughnuts can never be helpful for your health.

•    Lack of Nutrients

Doughnuts contain a high amount of carbohydrates and sugar. Plus it is a highly refined, highly processed product. According to research, refined carbs contain an almost negligible amount of fiber. And if the fiber is not available in your regular diet then it is not going to benefit your health. It can also help prevent colon cancer.

It has been found that doughnuts have more trans fats when compared to chocolate, peanut butter, and chips.

•    Leads to Weight Gain

By just taking even a single doughnut per day can lead to a slight amount of weight gain. Now just imagine that this weight goes on adding as we keep on eating it day by day.  A normal doughnut without any cream contains nearly about 300 calories, so when you add different types of icing then each will have a different amount of calories, for example, a chocolate iced doughnut contains 350 calories. So, if you add a doughnut a day to your regular diet then you need to do some exercise to burn off the calories else you will have one extra pound after every 10 days.


•   High Blood Sugar Level

As we all know that doughnuts contain a high amount of sugar. This will increase your calorie no. and your fat. If you eat more than one or just one doughnut on a regular basis, this can lead to problems with your blood sugar as it will cause a sudden spike in sugar level of your body. Therefore, it can lead to diabetes from an early age so people with diabetes should definitely avoid any sugary foods including doughnuts.

•   Leads to Heart Conditions

To make doughnuts, they are fried first which means it contains lots of saturated and trans fats which is never a good choice for your heart. A single doughnut will meet your maximum allowance for trans fats every day, and it has been found that people rarely eat just one doughnut, they will surely grab another doughnut due to its small size and unable to satisfy the hunger needs of the body. Therefore, it will double the rate of side effects in our body. It can increase your cholesterol and triglycerides levels, and thus increases your risk of heart disease.