Women oral health


According to research, there are some links between gum diseases to a variety of health problems that affect women. Therefore it is verified that good oral health is essential to good general health for not only women but also men.

Women’s body undergoes high hormonal changes every month. Women’s growing body has been linked to gum disease which can lead to a variety of health problems that may affect women.

Gum disease is an infection which if get into the bloodstream can lead to many health-related issues.

Some of them are –

•       Heart disease – People having gum diseases have a higher probability of getting heart disease and also have nearly twice the probability of having a heart attack when compared to a normal healthy person. Heart disease is also the first reason for women’s death due to health issues.

•       Stroke – According to studies, a casual relationship might lead to oral infections and this will automatically increase the risk of getting a stroke.

•       Diabetes – People with diabetes are more likely to develop gum disease and tooth decay due to an increased level of sugar levels and low insulin resistance in their body and also it is difficult for them to control their blood sugar. It can also lead to Gum disease.

•       Respiratory problems – Bacteria which grows in your mouth can travel to the lungs which might cause respiratory disease such as pneumonia, this usually occurs in people with gum disease.

•       Pregnancy outcomes – A Pregnant woman who is suffering from gum disease are more likely to have a premature baby or early childbirth. Therefore, a pregnant woman should have a regular checkup with the dentists and also inform their doctor that she is having a baby. Gum disease can also trigger increased levels of such fluids which can induce labor.

Gum disease is usually painless; therefore many women will not even know that they have it until they have an advanced checkup.


How does a woman’s oral health needs changes throughout her life?

Every woman has a special oral health needs during different phases in their lives. There is a lot of hormonal changes during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause which might affect the gums by introducing plaque. Therefore, a woman needs to brush and floss every day in order to prevent gum disease.

•       Menstruation — Before periods, some women experience swollen gums, bleeding gums, cold sores or canker sores. These symptoms might go away once the period starts.

•       Oral contraceptives — A common side effects of such pills is inflamed gums.

•       Pregnancy — Some pregnant women experience pregnancy gingivitis in which they feel inflamed and bleeding gums.

•       Menopause — During menopause, a woman experience inflamed gums, burning sensations, altered taste sensations, and dry mouth.

•       Osteoporosis — This may lead to tooth loss and bone loss in the jaw.