Top 8 Health Benefits of Cauliflower


Cauliflower is an extremely healthy vegetable which is filled with huge amounts of nutrients and minerals.

Health Benefits of Cauliflower are

1. Contains Many Nutrients

Cauliflower is an impressive food with very low calories yet it is high in vitamins, minerals, nutrients. It contains almost all the important vitamins and minerals that your body needs.

A cup of raw cauliflower contains

•        Calories – 25

•        Fiber – 3 grams

•        Folate – 14%

•        Magnesium – 4%

•        Manganese – 8%

•        Pantothenic acid – 7%

•        Phosphorus – 4%

•        Potassium – 9%

•        Vitamin B6 – 11%

•        Vitamin C – 77%

•        Vitamin K – 20%

2. May Aid in Weight Loss

Cauliflowers are low in calories (25 calories per cup), therefore you can eat a lot of it without having fear of gaining weight.

Cauliflowers are a good source of fiber; therefore it can slow down the digestion and promotes feelings of fullness.

3. Rich in Sulforaphane

Cauliflower is rich in sulforaphane, which is an antioxidant helpful for suppressing cancer development (especially colon and prostate cancer) and it destroys the cells that are already damaged. Sulforaphane is also good for reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

4. Good Source of Antioxidants

Cauliflower is an excellent source of antioxidants, which protects your body from harmful free radicals and inflammation. It can also slow down the growth of cancer cells such as colon, prostate, lung, and breast cancer. It also reduces the risk of heart disease.

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health benefits of cauliflower

5. High in Fiber

Cauliflower is very high in fibers which are helpful for your guts which help in reducing inflammation and promote digestive health.

It can also help in preventing digestive conditions such as constipation, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and diverticulitis.

6. Avoids Obesity

Cauliflower is high in Fiber, promote fullness, and reduce overall calorie intake. Therefore, it may also play an important role in obesity prevention.

7. High in Choline

Many people are deficient in choline. But, the Cauliflower is high in choline (one cup of contains 45 mg), such people have a higher risk of liver and heart disease, so people can eat it to satisfy their body needs.

It is helpful in synthesizing DNA and supports metabolism, improves brain development, prevents cholesterol from accumulating in the liver,

8. Easy to Add to Your Diet

You can easily add cauliflower to your diet as it is easy to cook and you can even eat it raw with snack dips or any other healthy vegetable dip.

You can cook cauliflower a variety of ways, such as steaming, roasting or sautéing.

Therefore, cauliflower is one of the healthiest natural food you can easily get anywhere from a nearby store.