Top 13 Health Benefits of Red Peppers


Red peppers are a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and folate.

1. Decreases Anxiety

Red bell peppers contain vitamin B6 and magnesium both of which can help in decreasing anxiety, especially during the pre-menstrual phase. It also reduces bloating and prevents hypertension.

2. Rich in Vitamin C

Red bell peppers contain up to 300% of daily vitamin C intake which is a huge amount. Vitamin C is essential for the absorption of iron in our body. Thus, those who are suffering from iron deficiency should intake red bell peppers along with iron-containing food to maximize the absorption.

3. Aid in Weight Loss

Red bell peppers help in weight loss as it is low in calories and contain no fat or cholesterol.

4. Great source of Vitamin B6 and Folate

Red bell peppers are an excellent source of vitamin B6 and folate. Both of these are required to prevent anemia.

Due to all of these properties, Red Bell Peppers are excellent food when it comes to many nutrients and minerals.

5. Reduces Heart Diseases

Red bell peppers can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

6. Rich in Antioxidants

Red Bell peppers contain phytonutrients which have powerful antioxidants in it. These antioxidants have powerful effects which can reverse the effect of toxins in our body. Therefore it protects our body from free radical damage and also the risk of developing cancer such as stomach, lung, prostate, breast, and colon.


7. Rich in Vitamin A

Red bell pepper is an excellent source of vitamin A which helps in night vision, keeps our eyesight healthy, helps in the proper functioning of the retina, and avoids the development of cataracts.

8. Increase Metabolic Rate

 Red bell peppers can activate thermo-genesis and boost metabolic rate.

9. Prevent Inflammation

Consuming red bell peppers can help in treating and preventing inflammation in your body. If you are overwhelmed with stress or feeling fatigued then consuming black pepper is a great option for energizing yourself.

10. Provides Healthy Digestion

Half a cup of red bell pepper can provide healthy digestion and maintains healthy cholesterol levels. It also treats constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

11. Reduces type-2 Diabetes

Red bell peppers do not contain any sugary content and can help in reducing type-2 diabetes symptoms.

12. Contains Potassium

Just a cup of Red bell pepper contains nearly about 7 percent of the daily value of potassium which has enormous benefits in our body.

13. Improves Iron Absorption

Due to the presence of vitamin C in red bell peppers, it promotes iron absorption which helps in the formation of bone collagen, muscles, and cartilage.