1. Buy your lunch with cash.
According to studies, when you buy your food with cash then you will think twice before buying it and you will grab healthier food. But, when you buy food with your credit card, you will spend more money as you will have less idea about how much money you are spending on your food.
2. Use smaller bowls and plates
According to studies, when you use smaller dishes and utensils this will prompt your brain to eat less and also serve lesser foods.

3. Chew gum in the grocery store
Never go to the grocery store to buy food when you’re hungry. Eat before going to the grocery store or you can chew a piece of sugarless gum before you enter the store. According to studies, when you chew gum, you will feel less hungry and you will buy fewer junk-foods as you will have lesser cravings and you will bring more healthy options, like vegetables.
4. Always order the small
Always order the small when you are in any restaurant or having street food, you will eat less when you do this.
5. Keep unhealthy snacks out of sight
When you are studying or doing anything keep your unhealthy snacks out of sight with which you cannot get easily accessible or you can keep it at someplace where you cannot reach easily. By doing this you will automatically eat less junk and high-fat foods. When you are in office, keep away chocolates at almost 6 feet away, and then you will not try to stand up and eat it.
6. Do not watch any cooking shows
If you want to lose weight, then you should not see any cooking channel as it will increase your food craving.
7. Try to reduce cravings
Sometimes you need snacks when you are bored, tired, not doing anything, or tense; you need to control this craving. Do something for 10 minutes which will distract you from eating anything, then see if you still want to eat. There is a huge probability that your urge will fade, or get reduced.
8. Eat slowly, and drink water
Always take smaller bites of food, chew your food slowly, eat for 20 minutes, take a little more time between when you take your next bite, and drink water while you’re eating. All of this will send a message to your brain that you have eaten enough and now you do not need to eat it any further.

9. Serve yourself healthy stuff first.
When you are having a meal at home or inside a cafeteria, always try to search for the healthiest items from the menu first before buying any fattier meals as you will feel more full by eating the healthy one so after this you will eat less high-calorie foods. Dish up your plate with veggies or whole grains before fattier meals.
10. Use blue plates
According to studies, when you use dark color plates, you will serve less food as compared to white and light color plates.