The relationship between oral and general health


Your oral health is linked to various diseases and conditions, such as –

•       Diabetes – People who are Diabetic patients have such ability which reduces the body’s resistance to infection, this puts them into a higher probability of getting gums diseases. Therefore, gum disease usually appears more frequent and severe among the people who are suffering from diabetes. It has been found that people who have gum disease, it is harder to control their blood sugar levels. But, you can treat it by taking regular medications, which can control diabetes.

•       Cardiovascular disease – According to some studies, it has been found that inflammation and infections due to oral bacteria can lead to heart diseases, such as clogged arteries and stroke.

•       Endocarditis – Endocarditis is an infection that occurs in the inner lining of your heart. Endocarditis can occur when bacteria from your mouth or another part of your body gets inside your bloodstream and gets spread and gets into the damaged areas in your heart.

•       HIV/AIDS – Mucosal lesions are a painful oral problem that is usually found in people who are having HIV/AIDS.

•       Alzheimer’s disease – According to research, bad Worsening oral health is also interlinked with diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

•       Pregnancy and birth – Periodontitis is a gum disease that can occur during pregnancy and it has been linked to premature birth and low weight of the newborn baby.

•       Osteoporosis – Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become weak and brittle and might be connected to periodontal bone loss and also tooth loss. Medicines which are used to treat osteoporosis contain such property which is at lesser risk of damaging the bones of the jaw.


Other diseases which can be linked to oral health is –

•       Brain cancers

•       Eating disorders

•       Neck Cancers

•       Rheumatoid arthritis

•       Sjogren’s syndrome (it is an immune system disorder which causes dry mouth)

Keep in mind that you need to tell your dentist if you’re taking any medications or you are suffering from some health issues.

How can you protect your oral health?

To protect your oral health, you need to follow good oral hygiene every day.

Some of the tips of following a good oral hygiene are –

•       Avoid drinking soda and sweetened drinks.

•       Avoid tobacco and smoking.

•       Brush your teeth for at least two times a day.

•       Floss at least once a day.

•       Follow a healthy diet

•       Go to a dentist as soon as you see some tooth condition occurs.

•       Replace your toothbrush when you get cured of cold.

•       Replace your toothbrush every 3 – 4 months or whenever the bristles are frayed.

•       Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings.

•       Use a toothpaste containing fluoride.