A root canal treatment is a method used to protect a tooth that’s badly decayed or infected tooth. Throughout a root canal procedure, the damaged nerve tissue is detached which cleans the infected tooth. Without treatment, it is impossible to stop the spreading of bacterial infection, when a tooth’s nerve tissue or pulp is damaged. It will surely spread from one tooth to another. Thus it is absolutely necessary to remove the infected tooth at the right time. When the tissue encompassing the tooth can become infected and might form an abscessed tooth. An abscessed tooth means a tooth filled with pus at the roots of that tooth.
An abscessed tooth can cause:
• Swelling which might spread to any part of the face, or neck.
• Bone loss around the infected root
• A hole might come on the side of the tooth
How Painful Is a Root Canal?
It is a misconception that root canal procedures are painful. It is also found that most people recommend root canal treatment overfilling due to its painful and not better results than a root canal.

Common symptoms of root canals pain include:
• Tooth decay: Tooth decay occurs at the outer portion of the teeth which leads to root canal pain.
• Cracks in teeth: Root canal pain or tooth decay mostly occurs due to cracks or chips in teeth.
• Disease: You might have any tooth disease which might lead to root canal treatment.
• Other factors-There are many risk factors for causing infection in the tooth; it can be injured the tooth, severe tooth decay. It might be also caused due to recent dental procedures such as larger fillings. If your teeth pain is serious, you should immediately go to a dentist.

How do I know if I need a root canal?
Signs that you need a root canal treatment
• Swelling or tenderness in the gums close to an infected area of teeth causing pain.
• Darkening of the tooth
• Sensitivity to hot or cold drinks or foods.
• A small bump like a pimple on the gums close to the infected area of teeth causing pain.
• Severe pain in teeth while eating even little harder food or when you accidentally put pressure on that area.
How Do I Prevent Root Canal Infections?
Tooth decay is usually caused due to acid and bacteria inside the plaque. Foods that are rich in sugar and acid additionally lead to tooth decay. You’ll be able to help scale back your risk for producing an infection of the tissue within the root canal by following good oral hygiene, visiting your dentist frequently, and avoiding foods and drinks that are rich in sugar, starch, and acids.
A short summary to prevent root canal treatment:-
• Visit your dentist regularly.
• Follow good oral hygiene.
• Avoid foods and drinks that are high in sugar, starch, or acid.
• Repair fractures and chips as soon as possible.
• Avoid trauma that may be due to injury or repeated dental procedures.