• Avoid drinking too much soda and sweetened beverages; water is the best drink for you. Plus water can cure 80% of your common diseases such as cold, acidity, headache, and also keep your teeth plaque-free.
• You can use high-fluoride toothpaste but for your children, you should use low-fluoride toothpaste as it is slightly harmful to your child’s teeth.
• You need to teach your child good oral hygiene so that they will follow it for the rest of their life, for which you yourself need to follow good hygiene so that the child will learn by watching you.
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• You should avoid eating unhealthy snacks and foods. The remaining of these foods will cause plaque in your teeth and lead to gum disease.
• Avoid smoking, tobacco, or any drugs, it has absolutely bad effects on your teeth and might lead to mouth cancer. Plus it also deteriorates your overall health. Never smoke in the house in front of your children or family members, it is known as second-hand smoking which is as harmful as smoking.

• You should brush after eating candy, cake, or any other sweet product. You can do it before sleeping.
• Follow a healthy diet that will not cause bacteria in between your teeth.
• Avoid drinking too much alcohol and beers.
• Do a regular dental checkup as it is necessary for you and your family members.
• Do not crunch ice cubes as it can fracture your teeth. You can have crushed ice cubes but try not to eat it but lick it.
• You should never drink any sweetened beverage through a glass. Always drink through a straw to minimize the effects of sugar on your teeth.
• If you have crooked teeth, and some dental issues, it will be best if you treat it as soon as possible. You should put braces if needed at an early age when all of your adult teeth have come.
• Keep Gums and teeth clean – Gargle every time you had your meal, brush your teeth for at least two times a day, and floss every day for once to remove the remaining food particles in between your teeth.
• You need to stop using your teeth as a tool to open the caps of any product such as ripping out the tag of a cloth, opening a cold drink bottle, or crushing the cover of walnut.
• Stop grinding your teeth which usually occur due to stress and anxiety. So try to remove stress from your body.
• Always wear a helmet while cycling, driving a bike, playing a game in which you need a helmet, and skating.
• You should always use a soft-bristle toothbrush and not hard ones as this might irritate the gums and lead to sensitive teeth.
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