Is Soy Sauce Gluten Free : What You Need to Know

Soy sauce is a popular condiment used in many Asian cuisines. It is made from fermented soybeans, wheat, and salt. However, not all soy sauces are gluten-free.


Soy sauce is a popular condiment used in many Asian cuisines. It is made from fermented soybeans, wheat, and salt. However, not all soy sauces are gluten-free. In fact, most soy sauces contain wheat, which makes them unsuitable for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

Soy sauce is a popular condiment used in many Asian cuisines. It is made from fermented soybeans, wheat, and salt. However, not all soy sauces are gluten-free.

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. It is what gives these grains their chewy texture. People with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity cannot tolerate gluten. When they eat gluten, their immune system attacks the lining of their small intestine, causing damage.

Is Soy Sauce Gluten-Free?

Most soy sauces are not gluten-free because they contain wheat. However, there are a few brands of gluten-free soy sauce available. These soy sauces are made with soybeans and salt, without any wheat.

How to Tell if Soy Sauce Is Gluten-Free

The best way to tell if soy sauce is gluten-free is to read the label. If the label says “gluten-free” or “wheat-free,” then the soy sauce is safe to eat. However, if the label does not mention gluten or wheat, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid it.

Can People with Celiac Disease Eat Soy Sauce?

People with celiac disease can eat gluten-free soy sauce. However, it is important to note that all soy sauces are not created equal. Some soy sauces may contain small amounts of gluten, even if they are labeled as gluten-free. This is because gluten can be a hidden ingredient in many foods.

Here are some additional tips for choosing gluten-free soy sauce:

  • Look for soy sauces that are labeled as “gluten-free” or “wheat-free.”
  • Choose soy sauces that are made with soybeans and salt, without any wheat.
  • Read the ingredient list carefully to make sure that there are no hidden sources of gluten.
  • If you are still unsure, it is always best to err on the side of caution and avoid soy sauce.


If you are on a gluten-free diet, it is important to be aware of the gluten content of soy sauce. Most soy sauces contain wheat, but there are a few brands of gluten-free soy sauce available. When choosing soy sauce, be sure to read the label carefully and choose a brand that is labeled as gluten-free.