The Ultimate Guide to the Health Benefits of Guava


1. Improves Eyesight

Due to the presence of Vitamin A, guava is considered good food for improving vision health. It can improve eyesight, and avoid degradation of eyesight. It can also reduce the occurrence of cataracts and macular degeneration in older people.

2. Good during Pregnancy

Guava contains folic acid and vitamin B-9, both of which are recommended for pregnant women to develop a healthy nervous system of the baby and also protect them from neurological disorders.

3. Keeps Heart Healthy

Guava fruit helps in balancing the sodium and potassium ratio in the body; therefore it helps in regulating blood pressure in hypertension suffering patients. It can also reduce the levels of triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL) and improves levels of good cholesterol. All of these benefits lead to a healthy heart.

4. Treats Constipation

Since guava is one of the richest sources of dietary fiber fruit, it can satisfy up to 12% of your daily recommended intake of fiber and thus treats constipation. Guava seeds when chewed properly can provide you an excellent laxative which helps in the formation of healthy bowel movements.

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5. Immunity Booster

Guavas are known as one of the richest sources of vitamin C. It contains almost 4 times more vitamin C than in oranges. Vitamin C helps in boosting immunity and protects you against many infections and disease.

The Ultimate Guide to the Health Benefits of Guava

6. Reduces Stress

Magnesium is found in Guava which can help in relaxing the muscles and nerves of the body. So after having a stressful, you can have a guava juice to relax your muscles, remove stress and give you a good energy boost.

7. Diabetes-Friendly

Guavas are rich in fiber and also have a low glycaemic index. A low glycaemic index can prevent a sudden spike in sugar levels and fiber ensures the sugar levels are well regulated. Thus it prevents the development of diabetes.

8. Lowers Risk of Cancer

Vitamin C and other polyphenols are present in guavas which act as antioxidants that neutralize and remove free radical cells in the body, and thus help in preventing the growth of cancer cells especially prostate cancer and breast cancer cells.

9. Good for Your Brain

Guavas contain vitamin B3 and vitamin B6, both of them improves blood circulation to the brain and stimulates cognitive function and thus it avoids memory loss in old age.

10. Reduces Toothache

Guava has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial ability which fights against infection and kills germs and thus it can reduce a toothache. You can also drink guava leaves juice to cure swollen gums, toothaches, and oral ulcers.

Other benefits of Guava are

•       Helps in Weight Loss – Due to the presence of rich fiber content.

•       Heals Cough and Cold – Due to the presence of vitamin-C and iron.

•       Anti-Ageing Properties and improves Complexion – Due to the presence of vitamin A, vitamin C.