The 10 Proven Health Benefits of Turnip


1. Prevents Cancer

Turnip contains high levels of antioxidants which help in reducing the risk of cancer. It also reduces the effect of cancer, inhibits the growth of tumor cells, and promotes toxin removal from the liver. By taking daily consumption, it can especially avoid breast cancer, colon cancer, and rectal tumors.

2. Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin K in turnips it contains the high amount of anti-inflammatory properties. Such properties help in preventing heart attacks, heart strokes, and other heart diseases. Turnip greens improve digestion by absorbing the maximum amount of bile thus reduces the cholesterol level in the body.

3. Maintains Bone Health

Turnips are a good source of calcium and potassium which are necessary minerals for keeping healthy bone growth. Therefore, by regular consumption of turnip, it can avoid joint damage, and also the risk of osteoporosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis in later life.

4. Keeps Lung Healthy

Smoking a cigarette can lead to vitamin A deficiency which can cause lung inflammation and other lung-related problems. You should never smoke and vitamin A is present in turnip greens which help in maintaining healthy lungs.

5. Aids in Digestion and Weight Loss

Turnip greens are rich in fiber content which helps in keeping the healthy digestive system. It can also treat the condition such as a lack of hunger and hemorrhoids. It can control body weight by reducing your food cravings. You can even cure kidney stone if it is small.

6. Prevents Atherosclerosis

When the no. of free radicals increases in our body, then it causes oxidation of bad cholesterol and thus damaging the blood vessels which leads to atherosclerosis. But due to the presence of Vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene in turnip roots and greens, you can avoid it by fighting against free radicals in the body. Therefore, by regular consumption of turnip, you can avoid atherosclerosis.

health benefits of turnip

7. Cures Asthma

Turnip contains the high content of vitamin C which acts as anti-inflammatory properties which are effective in curing asthma and also reducing the symptoms of asthma-like wheezing.

8. Strengthens the Immune System

Turnip root contains beta-carotene which can boost our body’s immune system.

9. Keep Eyes Healthy

Turnip greens are a rich source of lutein which helps in keeping eye health and prevents ocular diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

10. Benefits of Antioxidants

Turnips are rich in antioxidants as well as manganese and beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. All of these play an important role in fighting free radicals and preventing DNA damage to cells.

11. Hair Benefits of Turnips

By regular consumption of turnips, it can improve the color of your hair by promoting melanin formation due to the presence of copper in turnips.

Skin Benefits of Turnips

•       Anti-aging Benefits

•       Brightens Your Skin

•       Treats of Torn Feet