Health Benefits of Shrimp


1. Rich in Protein

Shrimp are rich in protein, just 3 ounces of baked or broiled shrimp contains 20 grams of protein.

2. Protects from Cardiovascular Disease

Shrimp contains such properties which can avoid blood clots in our blood vessels. Therefore, it protects our body from cardiovascular disease. It also contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acid which can remove bad cholesterol from the bloodstream which also reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

3. Anti-Cancer Properties

Shrimp contains carotenoids and selenium, which can reduce various types of cancer.

4. They Provide Key Nutrients

A 4 Ounce of shrimp contain –

•       vitamin B12 – 75%

•       phosphorous – 50%

•       choline, copper, and iodine – 30%

5. Promote Bone Health

Shrimp contains calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, all of which is effective in preventing bone degeneration. 


6. Avoids Age-Related Macular Degeneration

According to research, people who use computers for long durations daily are more prone to generate Macular Degeneration disease in their older life. By eating shrimp your body will get a heparin-like compound that can treat neovascular AMD and avoid Macular Degeneration.  The astaxanthin compound found in shrimp can also relieve eye fatigue.

7. Promotes Weight Loss

Shrimp is an excellent source of protein and vitamin D, and low in calories. It also contains high levels of zinc which will increase leptin levels in the body. Leptin is a hormone which controls the body’s regulation of fat storage, hunger, and total energy use in the body. Therefore, increased levels of leptin can keep you full for a longer time; avoid overeating and food cravings.

8. Decreases Menstrual Pain

Shrimp contains omega-3 fatty acids and promotes blood flow in the uterus and thus it aids in the reduction of menstrual cramps.

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9. Avoids Hair Loss

When our body contains deficiency of zinc may cause hair loss. Shrimp contains such minerals which can maintain and create new cells, of hair and skin which makes you look younger.

10. Protects Brain Health

Shrimp contains high levels of iron, which increases oxygen level and hemoglobin.

This provides strength and endurance to the muscles and increases the oxygen flow to the brain, which can improve memory performance and concentration. It also reduces the risk of brain inflammatory diseases.

It is also a good source of iodine, which builds thyroid hormones and is needed for the development of the brain of the baby during pregnancy.

11. Anti-Aging Properties

A little exposure to sunlight can lead to wrinkles, spots, or sunburn and it also promotes skin aging.  By including shrimp in your weekly diet, you can reverse the effect of sunlight on aging. Due to availability high levels of astaxanthin, which is a powerful antioxidant that can extremely lower the signs of aging in the skin affected due to UV rays.

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