Why Are My Teeth So Sensitive?


Have you ever felt a sudden pain after biting ice cream or while sipping a hot cup of tea? If so, then you need to know that you might be having tooth sensitivity. However, there might be another reason for this pain caused by hot or cold foods and this could be a sign of a cavity.

Tooth sensitivity (also known as dentin hypersensitivity) is a sudden pain in the teeth which comes after taking extreme hot or cold temperatures food or fluid in your mouth.

This pain will go away after some time. It can affect one tooth, many teeth, or all the teeth.

Why Are My Teeth So Sensitive

Symptoms of Sensitive Teeth

People with sensitive teeth might experience pain which responses to certain eatable things. The most common food or beverages which triggers tooth sensitivity are –

•       Acidic foods and beverages

•       Alcohol-containing Mouth Freshener

•       Brushing or Flossing teeth

•       Cold air

•       Cold foods and beverages

•       Hot foods and beverages

•       Sweet foods and beverages

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What causes sensitive teeth?

Some people have thinner enamel due to which they have more sensitive teeth. You might feel this sensitivity in one particular tooth or region in the mouth instead of the majority of teeth and you can feel it in entire mouth. The causes of sensitive teeth are –

•       Broken teeth

•       Brushing your teeth too hard

•       Chipped teeth

•       Frequent vomiting due to acidity and bulimia

•       Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) – It is also known as Acidity which can cause acid to come up from the stomach to throat, and might tear down teeth.

•       Grinding your teeth at night

•       Gum recession can also cause tooth sensitivity.

•       Regularly having extremely cold, hot, acidic foods and beverages

•       Tooth decay

•       Using a hard bristle toothbrush

•       Worn-down fillings or crowns

Your teeth might be temporarily sensitive due to dental work such as getting fillings, crowns, or bleaching teeth. In such a case, the sensitivity will be only felt at one tooth or the surrounding area of the treated tooth. But this pain should go after a few days.

why are my teeth so sensitive

How is tooth sensitivity treated?

•       If your tooth sensitivity is mild, you can treat it by having regular dental treatments. Plus it is better to treat the problem as early as possible.

•       Choose toothpaste which has been specifically made for sensitive teeth. Such kinds of toothpaste do not contain any irritating ingredients and will avoid any discomfort which occurs due to normal toothpaste.

•       When you want to use a mouthwash, choose one which is alcohol-free mouth rinse.

•       Use soft bristle toothbrushes and brush more gently and not harshly. Choose one with labeled as Soft toothbrushes.

•       Do not bite extreme cold ice creams as it is not good for healthy teeth too.

•       If all of these points don’t then go to your dentist for a checkup and their advice.