8 Bad Dental Habits which usually a child does


These are some bad dental habits which usually children do who are below 15 years –

•       Thumb Sucking

•       Tongue Thrusting

•       Lip Sucking

•       Mouth Breathing

•       Nail Biting

•       Pencil Biting

•       Lip Biting

•       Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

All of these habits are bad and can lead to an increase in bacteria in the mouth and can raise tooth and other diseases.


•       Thumb Sucking

If a child is below 3 years, it is ok if he sucks his thumb, but after age 4 it is not good to allow your child to suck his thumb. Therefore, you should avoid making it a habit of your child.

Thumb sucking of your child means that your child needs to fulfill its psychological and nutritional needs. You surely need to give more time to your child.

•       Tongue Thrusting

A child who is developing its baby teeth or adult teeth usually does tongue thrusting on their empty space between two teeth. This should be avoided and you can only tell them to not do it and if they did not stop tongue thrusting soon they will develop gaps in between their teeth and they might need braces to fix it.

•       Lip Sucking and Biting

This is the normal psychology of human, when they get nervous they start biting their lips and try to get worried about finding the solution to it. Lip sucking can lead to an irregular shape of your child’s lips. If your child’s lips are dried and their body is dehydrated and needs water then small skin chips appear on the lip which the child will try to bit.

•       Pencil Biting

When a child starts to write with a pencil, he or she might have a habit of putting the pencil in their mouth. They might even put inside the sharp lead portion in their mouth which might hurt them and will cause some injury in the eye or mouth or any part o the body. So, it is better to give your child a little less sharpen the pencil.

•       Mouth Breathing

When someone is really tired from an exhausting day whether it is a small child or 60-year-old male. They soon get into a deep sleep and open their mouth to take air and snore, which is not good at all as the germs might easily get inside their body through the mouth.

•       Nail Biting

Nail Biting is another bad habit which usually a child does but sometimes an adult also does it when he or she gets nervous. When we do not wash our hands for a long time and keep on biting the nails then all the germs which are being collected in our nails get inside our body and you might suffer from food poisoning.

•       Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Teeth Grinding is usually done by someone when he is nervous. This should be avoided too.

Click to know – Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment