13 Amazing Benefits of Jamun


1. Combats Respiratory Problem

Boil Jamun bark in water for 15 minutes and drink it, this can help you in treating asthma, stomatitis, leucorrhoea, mouth ulcers, and pain in the gums.

2. Removes Skin related Problems

This will also remove any skin-related problems. Clear skin is an indication of pure blood.

You can also apply a paste of the powder of Java Plum (Jamun) seeds which can reduce acne and also reduces the reoccurring of acne.

 3. Rich in Antioxidants

According to research, a darker fruit (like jamun) contains more anthocyanin which is an anti-oxidant which that can protect your body from harmful effects of free radicals.

4. Good for Heart Health

Java Plum (Jamun) contains Triterpenoids which may avoid production of cholesterol in our body. Thus, it is helping in treating heart disorders. Jamun also contains potassium which plays an important role in keeping heart healthy and preventing heart diseases, strokes, and hypertension.


5. Prevents Cancer

The polyphenols and anthocyanin present in jamun can reduce the risk of cancer.

6. Natural Blood Purifier

Java Plum (Jamun) acts as a natural blood purifier due to the presence of iron in it which will oxygenate the blood and thus increasing hemoglobin which will purify the human blood.

7. Benefits Diabetics

Since Jamun has a low glycemic index, it cannot spike your blood sugar levels and thus it can be eaten by a diabetic patient. Jamun also contains oleanolic acid which can help in reducing symptoms of diabetes, like urination and excessive thirst. Avoid overeating as it can also lead to dangerously low blood sugar levels.

8. Increase Bone Strength

Java Plum (Jamun) is rich in minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and vitamin C all of these can help in increasing bone strength and prevents osteoporosis.

9. Good for Gums And Teeth

Java Plum (Jamun) is highly rich in vitamin C; it’s an excellent cure for the teeth and gums related problems such as bleeding gums. It contains an antibacterial property which can help in washing off bacteria in the mouth and also prevent bad-breath issues.

10. Increases Stamina

Java Plum (Jamun)juice is also known to increase the overall stamina in our body. You can drink the juice every night before going to bed. It will also reduce pain and inflammation occurred due to the free radicals. It also avoids urinary disorders and intestinal worming.

11. Aids Digestion

Jamun powder can also promote more regularity of the body to promote healthy bowel movements and removing wastes at regular intervals. Jamun acts as coolant agent which when taken inside can help in curing digestive related problems such as dysentery, indigestion, dyspepsia, and diarrhea.

Jamun powder can also promote more regularity of the body to promote healthy bowel movements and removing wastes at regular intervals. Jamun acts as coolant agent which when taken inside can help in curing digestive related problems such as dysentery, indigestion, dyspepsia, and diarrhea.

Java Plum

Java Plum (Jamun) fruit juice can help induce more saliva production which can help you in breaking down of food faster and thus making digestion easier.

12.  Prevents Anemia

Java Plum (Jamun) is also rich in iron; it can help in the treatment of anemia.

 13. Contains Anti-bacterial Properties

Anti-bacterial properties can avoid bacteria from entering our body and it also cures a sore throat and cough.